What are the nutritional differences of plain Signature and Greek yogurt?
Glad you asked. You can view our nutritional information here.
What is the difference between yogurt and kefir?
While both are fermented foods that carry tremendous health benefits, the primary differences are the culture used and the fermentation time. We use different strains of bacteria for each product, kefir being the more potent of the two. In addition, kefir is fermented for a longer time period than yogurt. This ensures that the lactose is consumed, resulting in a nearly lactose-free product. We also do not add exciting flavors such as fruit or organic sweeteners to our kefir so it has a tart flavor similar to plain yogurt or buttermilk. One of our favorite ways to enjoy this product is to make a 50/50 mix with one of our signature yogurts in a drinking glass. This means you’re getting a two-for-one probiotic drink with the beneficial bacteria from both products!
What is the shelf-life of my product?
Since our products are all different there are different expectations that go along with their longevity.
Here is what you can expect:
Greek: 3 Weeks
Plain Signature Drinkable: 6 Weeks
Flavored Signature Drinkable: 3 Weeks
Kefir: 6 Weeks
Probiotic Whey: 10 Days
Cream Cheese: 3 Weeks
Savory Dip: 3 Weeks
Why full fat?
We’re big believers in the idea that our bodies need healthy fat in order to achieve optimal function. Everything we eat is converted into fuel by our bodies and nutrient rich fat is the most effective source of fuel. Recent studies have found that people who consume whole fat dairy as opposed to low fat or fat free dairy over a long period of time had a lower risk of diabetes and obesity – something we’ve believed in the whole time! For more information on this concept, you can check out westonaprice.org, one of our favorites!
How is our product different from the organic stuff I can buy at the store?
Most commercially produced yogurt (even the organic varieties!) are violently pasteurized (or heated) to the point that the milk protiens are damaged in the process. This means that while there might not be things like growth hormones or antibiotics present in the milk, it doesn’t much resemble milk anymore on a molecular level. This may be contributing immensely to dairy allergies and intolerances that run rampant in our day and age. Add in thickening agents, emulsifiers, and artificial flavors, and next thing you know it’s not even recognizable as the beneficial cultured food you thought you were paying for. (Milk + cultures = quality yogurt.) At Mother Culture, we use low-temperature pasteurization practices that gently heat the milk. We activate the live cultures under even lower heat, to make sure they are viable and bestowing health on your person. While you may certainly find grass-fed, organic, low temp vat pasteurized yogurt at many higher-end specialty retailers, they are not using Texan milk and honey! We are committed to sourcing ingredients from our local food shed first, and when we can’t find them, we buy certified organic.
Is there a cutoff time to ensure my order in fulfilled?
Orders placed between 9pm (CST) on Friday and midnight on Sunday are not guaranteed. Please don’t place your order on the weekends.
Where can I purchase your product midweek?
Please visit our Retail Locations page for a complete listing.
Can I freeze your products?
Absolutely! Make our Signature Drinkables into popsicles, enjoy our Greek blends as an ice cream substitute, and freeze our whey in ice cubes to add as needed to smoothies, shakes or meals! Many customers stock up on their favorite flavor and freeze it so that they can enjoy it even in off-seasons.
Can I find out what flavors you’ll be offering ahead of time?
Absolutely! We post our weekly offerings on Mondays here on our website and on Wednesdays to our Facebook and Instagram page! You can also utilize our handy reservation system and pick up and pay for your order when you arrive!
Is this pasteurized?
Our products begin as whole, unhomogenized, raw milk and are pasteurized only once before the fermentation process utilizing a low and gentle heating process similar to that of a double boiler. We never employ flash pasteurization. The end product is teeming with beneficial bacteria and is arguably more healthy than the product we began with. It should be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet that also includes raw milk from a clean source.
I am lactose intolerant, can I consume your yogurt?
Mother Culture Greek yogurt is low in lactose and many customers are able to consume it without discomfort. If the Greek yogurt is not a match for you, may we recommend kefir? The kefir is most easily tolerated by those who are lactose sensitive due to the 24-hour fermentation process. This makes it a lactose-free product! What’s more, kefir helps the body learn how to digest lactose again! We recommend a 2-4oz. serving a day to obtain this benefit.
What cultures do you use in your product?
S. thermophilus; L. bulgaricus; L. acidophilus; Bifidus.
Are all your ingredients organic?
Our commitment is first to pesticide-free local products, then to certified organic non-local.
Locally sourced milk: While the milk we use is not certified organic, it comes from local Jersey cattle who graze on pesticide-free grass and pesticide-free hay. It is not pasteurized, homogenized, or processed we receive it.
Flavor sources: We follow the “clean 15” rule. All of our berries are certified organic and locally sourced when possible. Our peaches, cherries, coconut, chocolate, pumpkin, and chocolate are always organic. Our citrus yogurts are flavored with organic essential oils that go through a rigorous pesticide-free certification. The cane sugar and maple syrup used is also certified organic. Honey is locally sourced and raw.
Can I get your product filled into my own containers?
Unfortunately we cannot accept packaging provided from customers to be filled in our production facility.
How do I open up a wholesale account?
Thanks for thinking of us! Please fill out this form to be considered for wholesale with us.